and control of the
dissolved oxygen
System without PC
each tank to be monitored an oxygen probe will
be installed. The probes converge to some control
units which:
- Allow to visualize on a display the oxygen values.
- Activate alarms in case of risk.
- Activate some machines and/or electrovalves for controlled oxygen delivery.
The control units are usually assembled in IP65 Control cabinets, so that they can be installed in the open area being resistant to bad weather conditions; the Control cabinets can be integrated by electric line controlled by machines for oxygen dissolution.
System with PC
Each control cabinet is connected to a PC through
a communication net. From the PC it is possible
to perform any operation. This system allows
- Centralize the information in order to know always in real time
the plant conditions. This peculiarity is very important for fishfarms
with a large number of tanks, or tanks located in a wide
- Recording of the controlled parameters.
- Data tele-transmission for one or more distance-controlled
installations, or simply to be alerted in case of average
Main Programmes
- Viewing in real time of the controlled parameters in different parts
of the plant.
- Data recording and historical graphics creation.
- Register of all the existing alarms activation (optical, acoustical,
- Determine the values of actuation for automatic activation, at
distance, of the valves, machines for oxygenation and pumps.
The automatic monitoring and control of the dissolved oxygen
have the following aims:
- Decrease of high mortality risk due to sudden variations of the
dissolved oxygen
- Exclusion of labor for manual bearing of the dissolved oxygen
in all tanks.
- Reduction of pathology risk, due to the correct levels of oxygen
in the tanks.
- Better consumption of oxygen and electricity due to the water
pumping and to the oxygenating machines.